Promoting a STEALTHY and HEALTHY Gut by using FACTS and FIBER
Dr. Romanie Gunness a physician on a mission. To promote a STEALTHY and HEALTHY GUT for every member of the family. To help you understand the IMMENSE ROLE of the GUT FLORA (mainly bacteria) in your overall health. To recognise that DIVERSE SOURCES OF FIBER in your diet turns your GUT FLORA into a NINJA against OBESITY, DIABETES MELLITUS and MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES. To FOCUS on LOCALLY GROWN VEGETABLES AND FRUITS to achieve a safe and sustainable source of affordable and delicious FIBER. To use FACTS and turn it into PRACTICAL ADVICE for everyday use in reaching a TARGET FIBER INTAKE OF 30 GRAMS PER DAY.
The journey continues as we FIGHT OBESITY, Diabetes and Mental Health Issues using the power of  OUR GUT MICROBIOME .
Check out the Gut Nerd website for more information and resources.
Moments spent waiting in lines or commuting, especially in gridlock traffic, can be opportunities for mindful enrichment. Music, audiobooks and podcasts have become invaluable tools to create an oasis of inspiration in the midst of the mundane. The PODCASTS created by The Gut Nerd Caribbean feature family friendly content from the weekly blog and a juicy tip on getting your 30 GRAMS OF FIBER PER DAY!
Listen to any and all Gut Nerd podcasts on