Translation is the communication of the meaning of a source-language text by means of an equivalent target-language text


What is translation?

Translatio is a Latin word that means "carrying across" or "bringing across". As if you’re bringing a text from the source language (or native language) to another! Oxford Dictionary defines translation as the process of changing something that is written or spoken into the target language. Since the origin and the modern definition of translation are quite similar, people generally don’t have a hard time understanding the scope of the translator's work.

What does a translator do?

Professional translators can either communicate written content in their mother tongue or different languages they have expert knowledge in. Usually, a translator specializes in one subject area and possesses thorough knowledge in the industry of their choice, which allows them to convey culturally specific references in the written material in multiple languages using translation memory.

Translation memory is a helpful tool for professional translators that simplifies the translation process. It reminds of a database with reference materials, sentences, and phrases in the source language and target language based on the translators' work in the past.

When do you need translation services?

Translation services are convenient in many niche situations, or with widely disseminated materials (to a broad spectrum audience) such as documents, emails, presentations, fliers, posters and many other places where every written word matters. In comparison to interpreters, translators have an opportunity to access dictionaries and do linguistic research as they go through the document. Interpreters, however, have to rely on their preliminary notes, adjusting to the speech with minimum delays and refraining from using dictionaries during the assignments.


What translation services does District 7030 provide?

As its primary service, the District 7030 Translation Team provides equivalent translation services for generally English and French content – English to French and/or French to English.

However, the same equivalent services are facilitated by District 7030 for the following languages: Dutch, Papiamento and Spanish


What do District 7030 translation services involve?

While the translation process itself is relatively simple and straightforward, there are a few additional steps and criteria which need to be applied both before and after translations so as to ensure the best service is provided:

  1. Prior to submitting your content for translation, it is always best to first ensure that the copy (i.e. text) in your document to be translated is of good quality and that it can be clearly understood in your native language by any lay person where any acronyms, abbreviations, special phrases, etc. are all explained and provided for within the same copy.

  2. Once satisfied with the quality of your content for translation in your documents, you would extract all text to be translated from the original source "file/document" and copy appropriately into the District 7030 Translation template (available for download as part of the District 7030 Translation Request form), under the following guidelines:

    • Your copy/text should be broken into the rows within the template where each row represents a new paragraph or slide of your original document

    • Template does not cater for images/graphics – any text contained within graphics or images must be extracted and placed within the template as text

    • Template should be accompanies by copy of the original document where appropriate (e.g. presentations)

    • Abbreviations must be defined fully

    • Special terms and terminology should be provided with an explanation where appropriate

    • Translation service does not include editing, creation or re-creation of document or visual layouts in any language

  3. Once your copy/text to submit for translation is finalized and saved as a new DOCX file, you would then attach this file (along with a copy of original document where possible) and any supplemental information to the District 7030 Translation Team via the District 7030 Translation Request form

  4. As part of the submission process an estimate of the anticipated turnaround time is provided based on the following submission details

    • 250 words or less – turnaround is typically within 1 business day* 

    • 250-500 words – turnaround is typically within 1 to 2 business days*

    • 500-1000 words – turnaround is typically within 2 to 3 business days*

    • 1000-1500 words – turnaround is typically within 3 to 5 business days*

    • 1500+ words –TBD
      *Please note that the above turnaround times are estimated and provided as a reference and do not constitute a guarantee of timeframes for translation services as such is based on availability of personnel, as well as, existing workload queues.

  5. Once you submit the form, translation of your text is then a two-step process with one translator producing an initial translation, followed by proofreading and corrections by a second translator to ensure accuracy and thoroughness

  6. Once completed, your translated text is returned via email as a DOCX in the same side by side format with which it was submitted for ease of reference and comparison  

  7. Prior to submitting your content for translation, you can always check with the District 7030 Translation Team to determine and verify what your translation needs are, as well as, how the Team can  best meet your needs in a timely and cost-effective manner – where necessary the District 7030 Translation Team can provide you with guidance and suggestion.

How much does District 7030 translation services cost?

For each document/job submitted, translation services by the District 7030 Translation team are determined by the number of words to be translated at a rate of US $0.125 per word.

Once a submission for translation comes from a district chair, a member of a district committee or district leadership team, the cost of translation is bourne by the the district itself.

If a submission for translation comes from a non-district entity, the cost of translation will be passed to that entity and payment would need to be made to the district.


How do I access District 7030 translation services?

Translation services from the District 7030 Translation Team can be accessed via the District 7030 Translation Request form (

Questions, concerns or issues with District 7030 Translation Team services can be sent to