Every month since I joined Rotary, I've looked forward to reading this magazine, especially the opening essay from our Rotary president. I'll admit that as much as I appreciate a digital copy, I still revel in the tactile sensation of sitting down and leafing through the glossy pages. They are a treasure trove of photos and memorable stories about our great organization — the one we all know and love. I have learned so much over the years about service projects and lives that each of you have transformed.
As a communications professional, I have longed for the day that our stories were a regular part of mainstream media and that our flagship magazine might populate doctor's offices, coffee shops, or anywhere else people sit, wait, and browse. It's great that Rotary members are better informed about all we do, and wouldn't it be that much better if more people knew our stories..
District Governor Leslie Ramdhanny Message
My Fellow Rotarians Greetings and Happy Rotary New Year!
It is indeed and honour and a privilege to be District 7030 Team Leader for this Rotary year and to serve under the leadership of the first female President of Rotary International Jennifer Jones.
Following in the footsteps of an illustrious line of Governors is indeed a challenge but I pledge my full commitment to continue the fantastic work of this outstanding district. I look forward to the full support of all Rotarians as we engage in activities that would make a meaningful difference in the lives of persons and our environment. A big thank you to Immediate Past District Governor Sonya and her team for the dynamic work achieved this past year. I think that we can safely say that they have seen the back of COVID-19 and that certainly augurs well for our clubs to return to some form of normalcy. Our district is the envy of many in the Zone and beyond! We must continue the great work that has been done and continue to raise the bar.
Rotary Monthly Focus
Rotary core values: fellowship, integrity, diversity, service, and leadership
This code of conduct reflects our core values and explains the responsibility that comes with being a Rotarian and Rotaractor, which includes members from nearly every country in the world, speaking over 100 different languages. We are committed to upholding and evolving this code as our organization grows.
Like our core values, we expect Rotarians and Rotaractors to exemplify this code of conduct as they interact with one another, Rotary program participants, Alumni, project partners, and members of the community. Specifically, the code of conduct applies at all club, district, zone, and Rotary International meetings, trainings, events, and anywhere else a member represents Rotary and on My Rotary and social media.
All club members and other participants including Rotary program participants, Alumni, project partners, and representatives of Rotary are expected to comply with this code of conduct, be considerate and contribute to a collaborative, positive, and healthy environment in which all are respected and valued.
When you first meet someone, introduce yourself and explain how you would like to be addressed, including your preferred pronouns (he/him/his, she/her/hers, they/them/theirs). Call others by their preferred name, rather than using a nickname that is easier to pronounce.
When addressing larger groups, utilize gender neutral words to avoid gender assumption.
Use active listening to deepen your understanding of others.
Be conscious of language use and adapt depending on region. Some wording is acceptable in some cultures but unacceptable in others.
Avoid slang or idioms that do not translate across cultures or be deliberate in explaining them to share our diverse cultures and languages.
Speak plainly and avoid acronyms and jargon that not everyone may understand.
If you are curious about someone’s cultural background, faith, sexual orientation, gender,
or another characteristic, ask if they are open to sharing more about themselves. Refrain from asking if the topic is not relevant to your conversation.
Foster an atmosphere of intergenerational dialogue and avoid describing anyone by their age.
Be an ally and advocate for others and be ready to intervene when you see a need.
If you see or hear something inappropriate, address the behavior in a way t0 offer support to those affected.
As a member of Rotary, uphold the Code of Conduct, build this culture within your club experience, and address any issues as they arise.
Ensure every member and participant can fully engage in any meeting, event, or activity that you organize in person or online by offering an accessible venue, simultaneous interpretation, closed captioning and/or transcripts, and other resources as needed.
Review any club or program traditions and stop or change activities that may be offensive or alienating to a specific group.
Create a welcoming environment and include all in conversations, projects, and events.
As much as possible, pay attention to nonverbal communication such as eye contact, facial expressions, tone of voice, personal space, gestures, and posture, and how it impacts your ability to engage with and relate to others.
Know the important dates of various religions and schedule events and activities in a way that is inclusive and considerate of people who observe them.
Be aware of people’s dietary and health restrictions.
Open opportunities for everyone to hold leadership roles in your club and district or engage with your community partners.
Increase your club’s awareness, understanding, and acceptance of people with disabilities.
Celebrate a variety of cultural events and religious observances, rather than continually conducting service projects or hosting events associated with a single culture or religion.
Acknowledge and celebrate significant dates relevant to diversity.
Avoid stereotyping and mocking any specific group.
Acknowledge and celebrate different genders.
Code of Conduct Questions and Concerns
For questions or concerns regarding the code of conduct or behavior that goes against the code of conduct, email DEI.Inquiries@rotary.org.
Adult Harassment Issues
Per the Rotary Code of Policies, Rotary currently maintains the following to report issues of harassment involving Rotarians or Rotaractors at meetings, events, or activities:
Rotary is committed to maintaining an environment that is free of any form of harassment, broadly defined as any conduct, verbal or physical, that denigrates, insults, or offends a person or group based on any characteristic1 (age, ethnicity, race, color, disability, religion, socioeconomic status, culture, sex, sexual orientations, or gender identity).
If you are notified of any allegation of harassment involving an adult, or you feel you have been harassed, follow these steps:
If anyone’s safety is in doubt, contact local law enforcement.
Notify a club officer (club president or secretary), district leader (district governor or district governor-elect), or zone leader (RI director).
Report the incident to Rotary International’s Club and District Support team by contacting cds@rotary.org.
Any allegation of harassment or abuse that involves young people must be reported to Rotary International at youthprotection@rotary.org within 72 hours.
Characteristics listed here are from the Rotary Code of Polices, Harassment-free Environment at Meetings, Events, or Activities. As the Rotary Code of Policies is updated, this Code of Conduct section will be updated.
St. George’s Grenada – 15 July 2022. Respected businessman and longstanding community humanitarian, Leslie Ramdhanny JP OBE, has been installed as Rotary International’s first Governor of District 7030 from Grenada.
As District Governor, all Rotary and affiliated Rotary clubs in the southern Caribbean - from Antigua to Suriname - will look to him for leadership, support, and motivation as they carry out service projects and participate in programs. Leslie was nominated for the position in 2019 and was met with overwhelming support throughout the region.
A Place For Peace
District Peace updates:
Congratulations to the District 7030’s Give Peace a Chance Initiative Winners for 2021-2022 were: The Rotary Club of Felicity/Charlieville (1st prize winner of $1000.00 USD) and Rotary Club of Maraval (2nd prize winner of $500.00 USD).
Congratulations to The Rotary Club of Aruba and Rotary Club of Chaguanas who are the two most recent Clubs from District 7030 to become Peacebuilder Clubs through the Rotary Action Group for Peace.
During the last Rotary Year Peace Poles were planted by Clubs within District 7030 at public places and schools within their communities in an effort to promote peace through the Peace Pole message of “May Peace Prevail on Earth”.
One candidate applied for the Rotary Peace Fellowship Masters programme and our District endorsed the candidate’s application in June 2022.
Peace initiatives for the 2022-2023 Rotary Year:
We challenge all Rotary, Rotaract and Interact Clubs in District 7030 to become Peacebuilder Clubs through the Rotary Action Group for Peace. Link for resources to become a Peacebuilder Club: https://rotaryactiongroupforpeace.org/peacebuilder-materials/
We encourage all Clubs to plant Peace Poles as a symbol of peace in their communities and to consider doing so on the International Day of Peace Wednesday 21st September 2022 or in February 2023 in celebration of Rotary’s area of focus Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution. More information on Peace Poles can be found here: https://www.worldpeace.org/peacepoleproject/
Give Peace a Chance Initiative for 2022-2023 – based on the engagement from last year the Committee has decided to run the Give Peace a Chance project competition for another year. It is an exciting opportunity to submit and execute peace projects with District prizes to be awarded. The competition rules would be circulated separately.
Save the date:
Special District Zoom events would be hosted by the District 7030 Peace Committee on Wednesday 21st September 2022 (the International Day of Peace) and Thursday February 23rd 2022 (Rotary’s Birthday) and we ask that you save the dates.
District Initiatives
This year the district is continuing to encourage clubs to appoint club trainers mainly to ensure that training of existing and future leaders is embedded into the strategic goals of clubs and remains in focus. The idea is to select someone who is knowledgeable about Rotary (perhaps served as club President), is clear about the goals of the club and has a passion for professionalism.
The club trainer shall work with the club’s board and committees to ensure all training needs are met and work with the District Training Committee, the Assistant Governor assigned to the club, and the District Governor for support and ideas. - All Rotary Clubs need a way to prepare its leaders for their roles and to enlighten members on the workings of Rotary.
Objectives of the Training Plan
Assisting the Club President with developing leadership skills and imparting Rotary knowledge to members in areas such as:
The history and values of Rotary
Understanding the By-Laws & Rotary Constitution
The Roles and Responsibilities of membership
Orientation of New Members
Annual on-boarding of Directors
Leadership Skills Development programmes in an effort to develop future leaders
Share opportunities for leadership at the Club level and beyond
Work with club leaders, particularly the Membership Director to create innovative training Sessions to support the various activities of the club
Encourage club members to attend District training events
Encourage the use of the Rotary Learning centre and attend Rotary Leadership Institute Sessions
Suggested Methods to be Employed
To assess training needs periodically.
Plan and conduct training events, such as quiz competitions, panel discussions and breakout sessions etc. – make learning fun!
Select and prepare session facilitators and speakers – to include pre-reading material.
Along with the membership Director co-ordinate event logistics and manage the session.
Evaluate training to ensure objectives are achieved and consider suggestions for future sessions.
The above is a guide you can use as you develop your training plans.
We encourage you to prepare an annual plan and include this the ‘Calendar of Activities’ of the club.
The District Training Committee is happy to assist at any time should you need additional guidance or support.
The highly prolific and remarkably insightful management Guru Peter Drucker said:
“One does not ‘manage’ people. The task is to lead people and the goal is to make productive the specific strengths and knowledge of each individual” (Drucker 2001)
Dr. Marion Pierre (L) and Rotary Club of Grenada President - Alphonsus Daniel
unveiling the plaque at the opening of The Pierre Playpark
The Rotary Club of Grenada (RCG) announced the opening of The Pierre Playpark at Quarantine Point Recreational Park on Saturday, June 04, 2022. The play park project was completed through generous funding provided by Dr. Marion Pierre through The Maria Holder Memorial Trust. The newly opened play park will serve as an inclusive space for individuals and families alike to enjoy the wonderful playground and gazebo.
The RCG believes that the addition of The Pierre Playpark is a great amenity at the Rotary managed Quarantine Park and fits in perfectly with the long term vision for Quarantine Park being a premier outdoor venue for all to enjoy.
On June 04, the new play park was officially opened by Dr. Marion Pierre at a special event held for the occasion. The new play park includes a swing set, monkey bars, slides and a spinning wheel. The space provides ample room for persons to enjoy the amenities year round. The gazebo accompanying the park is wheelchair accessible making it easy for persons with special needs to enjoy the breezy, covered area.
The project scope included the painting of a mural on the newly built washroom facilities building at Quarantine Park. The impressive painting was done by Mr. Nahshon Jeremiah and his team of skilled artists. Nahshon is well-known for capturing the beauty of the Caribbean through large-scale paintings. His latest work at the Quarantine Park promises to leave park patrons in awe.
Dr Marion Pierre (L) receiving the Paul Harris Fellow pin from Past President Kay Simon.
Looking on is RCG President Alphonsus Daniel
The RCG used the opportunity to thank Dr. Pierre and The Maria Holder Memorial Trust immensely for their donation. The President of the RCG made a commitment to ensure they facilities are purposefully used and maintained. For her contribution to the project, Dr. Pierre was awarded a Paul Harris Fellow award, the highest honour bestowed by Rotary Clubs in recognition and award to persons who have displayed exemplary work in community service or helping those in need.
Rotary Club of Garden City (Georgetown)
On Sunday June 19th 2022 the Rotary Club of Garden City launched its signature project for the year – “Computers to upgrade the Computer Hub at the Mocha Arcadia Community Centre.
Our partnership with the Mocha Arcadia community started just after we launched our club in November 2020 and in our many discussions with the community leaders back then we recognized that they had an important gap in relation to electronic devices for school children. It was in the height of online schooling and at that time the need was for “Tablets” to assist those children who were without devices.
Like every other NGO for such a large project we needed to raise funds and garner corporate support. Due to circumstances beyond our control funding took longer than we expected and we were overtaken with time. The changing COVID 19 dynamics and the move back to F2F schooling meant we needed to rethink the Project.
We knew that the community via the NDC had a computer hub already set up so we approached them with the idea of upgrading the computers as we got news from Scotiabank who generously granted us and approved part of funding for the project in the new format. In this way the computers will be accessible to a wider cross-section of the community.
Rotary projects are focused on meeting the needs of the community and being sustainable and so in our final discussions with the NDC Chair Mr. Adams and his team we uncovered an even more critical need of addressing the Grade 6 examinations (common entrance).
So, Garden City has undertaken a phase 2 of this project to prepare a batch of these students for their examination next year. These sessions shall commence during the school holidays this year and extend to their examination date in 2023.
The Scotiabank representative – Mr. Colin Gentle attending the proceedings expressed Scotiabank’s pleasure in working with the Rotary Club of Garden City. He reiterated the Bank’s commitment of continuing to support communities and the development of youths – he further stated that the long-term social and economic prosperity in communities depends on future generations as when young people succeed, families, businesses and entire societies are positioned to benefit for years to come.
Potted vegetable seedlings and a child friendly healthy eating handbook titled “Eat Well Move well” were distributed to the children present as well as waste receptacles for the community centre– this is in keeping with the club’s focus of supporting the environment.
Rotary Club of Paramaribo Residence
The Rotary Club of Paramaribo Residence has their own Interact Club. After years of planning and the challenging Covid period the new club was established on May 7th, when 50 kids mostly from the Nassy Brouwer College started with their first training session.
After receiving the original certificate from RI, the Charter Celebration and Pin Ceremony was held on Saturday, July 9th where the parents and the Rotary Family from Suriname were also invited.
Now we have a third Interact Club in Suriname: Interact Club of Brick by Brick.
The Zone 34 Public Image team has so much to share to help make your club's year AMAZING! The team is looking forward to working with clubs this 2022-2023 Rotary year as we demonstrate to the world that we are all People of Action!
Similar to last year, the Zone 34 Public Image Citation is not going to be a flurry of activity at the beginning of the year and a mad dash to the finish line. Instead, it is going to be a steady report of your club’s progress where each monthly task completed earns you and your club a recognition badge.
On Monday 25th July, clubs and members from Rotary and Rotaract clubs across Zone 34 were encouraged to register and attend the first webinar for 2022-2023 year – Meet the Zone 34 Public Image Team. This session provided an introduction and overview of some public image basics and the 2022-2023 Zone 34 Public Image Citation, as well as, provided an opportunity to meet the members of the Zone 34 PI Team and ask any questions about the citation and tasks.
Want to learn more about the Zone 34 Public Image Citation or check out available resources for clubs, committees and chairs, visit the new Zone 34 Public Image Team wesbite - elevaterotary.org
Club Public Image Chairs and/or other responsible parties can now access and satisfy the several tasks for the 2022-23 Zone 34 Public Image Citation.
You can complete each task in the month it is due, or do all three at once as part of your public image planning for the year.
Also, if you haven't already, be sure to join the Zones 33/34 Facebook Group to share and find content to share!
Enhance Your Rotary Knowledge and Leadership Skills
in The Rotary Learning Center
ClubRunner Mobile App
The ClubRunner Mobile App is your key to connect to your club and District 7030 on the go! Completely free to download and use and available to ALL ROTARIANS AND ROTARACTORS in District 7030, this app will let you access key info while you're on the go.
Using the newly upgraded ClubRunner services from District 7030, the ClubRunner Mobile App is completely independent of whether your club subscribes to ClubRunner itself or not. That means everyone in District 7030 can download, use and benefit from the app.
If your club already subscribes to ClubRunner, then everything is already integrated into the District 7030 ClubRunner and you can use the same username and password you were assigned to log on to the ClubRunner Mobile App.
If your club does not subscribe to ClubRunner, you can use your pre-assigned username and password to log on to the ClubRunner Mobile App.
Password protected just like a website, the ClubRunner Mobile app allows you to to view club member directories, contact members and executives, read the latest articles posted to the district website, learn more about upcoming events and speakers, view meeting details and track attendance statistics, right from your smartphone or tablet!
The ClubRunner Mobile app allows you to to:
View Member Directory Profiles
Immediately view the most up to date member directory, upon login. You can browse member profiles which give you the necessary contact information you need to connect with just one click. Make a call or text, email them directly from your device, or even add them to your contacts list.
View and Contact Your Club/District Executives and Directors
View and contact your club/district executives and directors from current, past and future years. You can browse their profiles and connect with one tap.
View Posts on Your Website
View the latest feed of home page stories that are on the District 7030 website directly on your phone and never miss any information!
Learn More About Upcoming Events
Access all upcoming District 7030 events and calendar items, and view event details, including associated links, download files and venue maps. View who the latest speakers are and learn more about presentation topics.
View Club Details
View meeting days, times and venues, complete with a Google map for directions through the new Club Info page right from your phone. Even get quick access to contact club Presidents, Area/Assistant Governors and District Governor.
Keep Track of Attendance
Keep track of attendance stats for individuals and clubs. Easily view which meetings you attended, missed and made up and get a quick glance at your attendance percentage for the year.
We've all wanted to be better connected and we all find ourselves seeking contact information for persons and/or club information - now, with the ClubRunner Mobile App, we can eliminate these problems entirely and move forward as a better, more networked and efficient District.
If you do not know or have forgotten either your username or password for ClubRunner, or never received any credentials for ClubRunner, or need any assistance with logging on to ClubRunner, please contact the District 7030 Support Team admin@rotarydistrict7030.org
Rotary is excited to continue its online tool that will give individuals another powerful means to raise the funds necessary to support the Foundation. Rotary's new peer-to-peer fundraising platform, Raise for Rotary, is now live! Raise for Rotary is easy to use – even on your mobile device – and a fun way to create a personalized virtual fundraiser to share with your friends and family, and gain support for your favorite Rotary cause. You can set up a fundraiser for any occasion, such as a birthday, anniversary, or to mark an important event like World Polio Day. Or you can take on an individual challenge to raise funds, such as a bike ride, or fundraise as part of a team of people raising money for the same cause.
You can not only participate in Professional Development Courses via the Rotary Learning Center, but also, have access to an ever-increasing number of training and learning tools for all things Rotary.
The new issue of the "Rotary" magazine (formerly "The Rotarian") is out. Subscribe to the digital version now to receive it regularly and on time each month via email.
Interested in having your Club's activities or member's stories featured in one of the District publications (Newsletter, Website, Social Media)?
Please send articles, videos, photos and/or links to such via email to: