2016 District 7030 Conference - House of Friendship
Posted by Sean Paddy
on Jan 05, 2016

The 2016 District 7030 House of Friendship will be located at the Conference Venue and provides a space that displays and highlights the projects and activities of Clubs in the District to Rotarians and visitors alike. It is a great opportunity to showcase the achievements of your Club to all our Rotary family. Limited space is available, so please send your Club's interest in participating to the conference committee (7030conference2016@gmail.com) at the earliest convenience and include a brief description of what projects and activities your club would like to display and how best it would like to do so (i.e. with pictures, presentations, videos, signage, brochures, etc.). We look forward to receiving your club's response and to including and demonstrating all the great work happening in District 7030.