


English Edition
RI President Holger Knaack Monthly Message
Rotary youth exchange — one of the many programs for youths and young adults that we celebrate this month — was my path into true engagement in Rotary. My wife, Susanne, and I began hosting exchange students soon after I joined, and the experience helped me go from simply being a member of my Rotary club to being a true Rotarian. From the start, we loved it so much that, in addition to hosting students in our home, we became involved with the program by helping to organize student summer camps. During one such camp, I met Christine Lichtin, who was a German high school student at the time. It is our duty to put in this kind of effort with youth program participants and Rotaractors so we can keep them in the family of Rotary. It's up to each of us to ensure that more young people like Christine can experience the many ways Rotary Opens Opportunities for us and for the people we serve.
District Governor Lisle Chase Monthly Message
We are already one sixth of the way through the Rotary year and it feels like just yesterday we were waking up to the start of the new year. Did you know that over 776 million people over the age of 15 are illiterate? In September, Rotary focuses on Basic Education and Literacy. While we in District 7030 open opportunities to support education, we should remember that this month's theme is also integral to our mission to promote peace in our District and our world. Remember that without basic education and literacy, poverty and inequality will persist, and with these conditions, peace cannot exist.

Rotary Monthly Focus


Basic education and literacy is directly linked to Supporting Education - one of Rotary’s seven areas of focus - that expands and creates opportunities for addressing other socioeconomic issues.  By improving available basic education and literacy rate in our communities, Rotarians are able to have a broader impact by helping to reduce poverty, improve health, encourage community and economic development, and promote peace. Rotarians are encouraged to be people of action and support activities and training to improve education for all children and literacy for children and adults. Learn more on how your club can support basic education and literacy, as well as, about project strategies your club can implement through resources available via My Rotary.

District Monthly Special Events
12th September: Basic Education & Literacy Feature Address
The District Monthly Special Event series continues on 12th September with another milestone event during the 2020-2021 Rotary Year. In recognition of Basic Education & Literacy Month, Rotary District 7030 is proud to host and welcome RI President-Elect Shekhar Mehta who will address our membership on his experiences with one of Rotary's Area of Focus - Supporting Education - and how, this month and every month, clubs and members can explore opportunities to serve their communities. Participants will have an opportunity to raise questions and comments during the live Q&A session and all Rotarians and Rotaractors are invited to register now.
21st September: Rotary's Historical Role As A Peace-Building Organization
In recognition of UN World Peace Day on 21st September, Zone 33/34 RI Director Peter Kyle will address the membership of District 7030 on Rotary Peace initiatives and Rotary's Historical Role as a Peace-Building organizationAll Rotarians and Rotaractors are invited to register now to learn how we can all do our part to bring abour peace in our communities, and help recognize and celebrate World Peace Day.
A Place For Peace
In its second session on Peace-Building District 7030's Peace-Building Committee was pleased to host Patricia Shafer of NewGen Peacebuilders who presented on the topic of Building a Culture of Peace: Putting Principles of Positive Peace and Young People at the Center of a Global Dream. Following up on this, the District 7030 Peace-Building Committee is pleased to host its third speaker - RI Director Peter Kyle - on 21st September 2020 as we celebrate United Nations World Peace Day. Peter will be presenting on the topic of Rotary's Historical Role as a Peace-Building Organization. Also, as we continue to focus on peace, meet the District 7030 Peace-Building committee for 2020-21 in this introductory video message, as they reaffirm our commitment to promote peace as a platform to address issues of diversity, equity and common understanding of people.
District Initiatives
New Rotary Satellite Club in Trinidad and Tobago
Rotarians know the importance of building our membership and expanding our it is most critical for us to recognize and commemorate each time we grow as a District and add to our collective tapestry. Effective 2nd July 2020, the Rotary Satellite Club of Diego Martin Evening, Trinidad and Tobago was officially established as a satellite club of the Rotary Club of Diego Martin, and consequently increased the number of satellite clubs in District 7030 from two to three.
New Club & Satellite Glue
There are many circumstances that can create the possibility for a new club or satellite. The ‘glue’ that makes the group work can be very varied, including like minded individuals, common interests or purposes, willingness to serve, fellowship, locality, belief in a cause, company or community grouping, and of course it can also be a combination of more than one of these circumstances. The significant effect of forming new clubs on our membership figures is undeniable, and opportunities abound when we find someone, or a group, to champion the cause. Creativity and innovation are very evident in our Districts' recent deliberations on the creation of clubs and satellites. Veteran’s Clubs, ethnic groupings, common interest clubs, corporate clubs, alumni satellites, passport clubs, Rotaract/Rotary clubs and caused-based clubs are all actively being pursued, as well as, under-served localities or even unserved time-frames where Rotary does already exist. Learn more about expanding the various opportunities to grow Rotary via new clubs models such as E-Clubs and Eco-Clubs [Extracted from Z34 Membership Plus August 2020 edition].
People of Action...Clubs In Service
District P.E.T.S & Conference
On 4th July 2020, Conference Chair Konrad Wagner officially announced District 7030 P.E.T.S & Conference 2021, Saint Lucia carded to take place between 21st and 24th April. The event theme of Service • Sustainability • Peace was introduced and Rotarians were invited to register online via the conference website. For those who missed it or for those who want to see it again, recordings of the launch are now available.
District Celebrations
Rotary Club of Kourou's 50th Anniversary
Rotary District 7030 and its entire membership, joins the Rotary Club of Kourou, French Guyana in celebrating  its 50th Charter Anniversary on 14th September 2020. Proud congratulations from Rotary International and the entire District on remaining committed to the purpose of Rotary and demonstrating the ideal of Service Above Self.
Mark Your Calendars
District Governor Visit - Tobago
Sep 06, 2020 – Sep 08, 2020
District Governor Visit - Trinidad East
Trinidad East
Sep 09, 2020 – Sep 12, 2020
RC Antigua Charter Anniversary
Sep 10, 2020
D7030 Specials: Address on Basic Education & Literacy By RI President-Elect Shekhar Mehta
Sep 12, 2020
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
RC Portsmouth Charter Anniversary
Sep 13, 2020
RC Kourou Charter Anniversary
Sep 14, 2020
District Governor Visit - Guyana
Sep 16, 2020 – Sep 20, 2020
RC Willemstad Charter Anniversary
Sep 16, 2020
D7030 Peace-Building Program: Rotary Peace Initiatives [RI Director Peter Kyle]
Sep 21, 2020
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
D6960: Infinite Possibilities Series 1 - Women In Rotary (Part 3-PRIVP Dean Rohrs)
Sep 25, 2020
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
View entire list
Notices & Reminders
African Region Certified Free of Wild Poliovirus
On 25th August, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that transmission of the wild poliovirus has officially been stopped in all 47 countries of its African region. This is an historic and vital step toward global eradication of polio and achieving one of Rotary’s top priorities.
United Nations International Day of Peace
Since 1981 the United Nations (UN) has observed International Day of Peace to raise awareness, educate people and promote peace through cessation of acts of war and violence over a 24-hour period. On  September 21st, the International Day of Peace will be celebrated under the theme "Shaping Peace Together". Auspiciously, Promoting Peace is one of Rotary's seven areas of focus with Rotarians around the world dedicated to the goals of building international relationships, improving lives and creating a better world.
Join District 7030 Facebook Groups
Members and Clubs are encouraged to join the new District 7030 Groups on Facebook. Join one or as many groups as you would like and invite your friends, colleagues or anyone you think may be interested to join...groups are open to all. Not only will you be able follow information and updates posted within each group, but also, you are free to post and share yourselves! Whether you are interested in District Programs such as Peace-Building, Childhood Obesity Prevention, Environmental Sustainability and Interact, or want to find the latest information about various club service projects, activities and events within District 7030, there is a group for you!
RC Portsmouth Receives Global Grant To Assist Schools in Dominica
Devastated by Category 5 Hurricane Maria in 2017, most of the 59 primary schools on the island Commonwealth of Dominica were severely damaged or collapsed and the computers and books in the schools were destroyed. Restoring Learning Technologies is an initiative from the IT for Dominica Foundation out of Alberta, Canada to mitigate some of these losses. Thanks to the collaborative efforts of Rotary clubs located in Canada and Dominica along with the IT for Dominica Foundation, the gap in providing learning resources and information technology (IT) support for students in 30 primary schools is about to be met.
District Grant Application Reminder
Clubs are reminded to submit their applications for District Grant funding by 30th September 2020. For more information on District Grants and access to useful resources, click here.
Did You Know...
  • As part of the 2020 RI Virtual Convention, members of the Regional Membership Officer team participated in a 30-minute "Ask The Experts - Membership Q&A" session where the following was discussed:
      - The vital connection between attracting new members and keeping members
      - Ways to revitalize the club experience in the time of social distancing,
        and beyond,
      - Their hopeful visions for the future of Rotary vital connection between attracting
        new members and keeping members
    Clubs are encouraged to view the recording and share and discuss at an online meeting
  • You can not only participate in Professional Development Courses via the Rotary Learning Center, but also, have access to an ever-increasing number of training and learning tools for all things Rotary. 
  • The new issue of the "Rotary" magazine (formerly "The Rotarian") is out. Subscribe to the digital version now to receive it regularly and on time each month via email.
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